Should you include a Buyers Letter ?
Tony Iacoviello poses a perfect Q and A!
The "Buyer Letter"
Along with some offers the Buyer's Agent will include a letter from the potential Buyer(s) usually with an
accompanying photo to plead their case and demonstrate why they should be the one to buy your client's home.
The letter reveals or implies several pieces of information that fall under protected classes as per either the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or the Ontario Human Rights Act, including age, marital/family status, implied gender and sexual orientation, ethnicity, among others.
If the Seller(s) use any or all of that information to make their decision about which offer to accept they could be accused of discriminatory practices (so far as I understand). As their Representative what are my obligations, if any, to them once I receive a Buyer Letter?
Am I somewhat justified in counselling them to ignore the Letter and focus solely on the details of the APS submitted?
/R and occasionally /cute
My Response ~ Ignore the Letter; Enjoy and share the tin of Cookies / Muffins
I market houses.... Call me